

I couldn't let it go a whole month without a post...so how about 1 day shy of one month? Life is good...busy, but good. Lots developing, more to come later.
But for now, only a tidbit.
I have not ever been a true proponent of the blind date...never really seen one that worked out...I am sure that Dr. Neil Clarke Warren of eharmony.com has some stat or some profile or test that proves that blind dates dont work out, or at least it's rare when they do. But I'm here to tell you, that if the right person sets you up and knows both people whom she is intending to set up, it could work! And it does! OR at least thats the case for me. Now before you rush to judgment, no, we arent getting married after the first date nor are we rushing into things, I am just saying, that this particular blind date was the best date...period...I have ever been on! Perfect in every way...Gotta love it! So, thanks to Beth for doing the dirty work on the set up...Maybe we will get you a t-shirt or something! (wink, nudge...)
More Later...
Her name...Meghan! Did I mention she is awesome!
Oh, and Ryan, we now have a conversation that runs two ways...You talk about Claudia, I will tell you about Meghan!
Heck Yessssss!

1 comment:

RPorche said...

What in the world?! Well, there you go. I'm excited for you. Keep me posted.

About Me

Arlington, Texas, United States