
Well...it's been a while!

Well, it has been a while since I have posted something, yet not as long as others that I Know! Anyway, here is a quote I would like to share for this morning! Whoever Joseph Joubert was, he was a wise man!

"That which astonishes, astonishes once; but whatever is admirable becomes more and more desired."
— Joseph Joubert


Do You Like Jazz???

No...this is not a reference to a crude gesture of Jim Carey in "Bruce Almighty," but it stems from conversation I had with Greg Pirtle, the youth and student minister here at ND. We were talking about PostModernism, and authors like Brian McLaren who have written about it as well as books we might like to read and he showed and read to me the Author's note from a book called "Blue Like Jazz," by Donald Miller. Listen to these few words.

"I never liked jazz music becuase jazz music doesn't resolve. But I was outside the Bagdad Theater in Portland one night when I saw a man playing a saxophone. I stood there for fifteen minutes, and he never opened his eyes. AFter that, I liked jazz music. (LISTEN TO THIS NEXT SENTENCE) SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO WATCH SOMEBODY LOVE SOMETHING BEFORE YOU CAN LOVE IT YOURSELF. IT IS AS IF THEY ARE SHOWING YOU THE WAY. I used to not like God because God doesn't resolve. But that was before any of this happened.

Listen to that again and think about how it might apply to our relationship to God, or to Worship...the possibilities are endless!!


Everybody's Workin For the Weekend

Every morning when i come into my office here at the church, the first thing is this running quote, scripture, and image slideshow on my computer screen. This morning, alongside a gorgeous photo of the earth in a moment of eclipse, was overlayed this quote from Blaise Pascal...

"The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me."

How often do you ponder on the magnanimous nature of God...A God who sits enthroned above the universe, who created everything, and whose word, logos, created worlds, kosmos...What a powerful thought that with even God's breath, we can be swept away in an instant and anything can be accomplished!! O What A Glorious God!


A Great thought...

I came across this wonderful quote this morning as I sifted through my plethora of daily emails, subscriptions, and devotionals. I want to share it with you for your own pondery! God's Richest Blessings!!!

"When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, Care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life..." (Jean Shinoda Boden)


Just another "Manic Monday"

Mondays are often pretty hectic around the NDCOC office. Review of Sunday, staff meeting, worship leadership team meeting, all that good stuff...and all of that to say that it officially feels like I am not a college student anymore. I have felt as if I were on vacation for the last week, but now, and as I got up early this morning, my inner being said to my brain as I woke up this morning, "Welcome to the 'real world!'" Still, I would not give it up for anything. God Has Blessed me beyond anything my brain could ever get its arms around by putting me where I am at this very moment in time. Hopefully you can reflect upon God's purposeful actions in your lives as well. Have a great week!


Sunday, Sunday...

Sundays can be long, tiresome, even exhausting to say the least. Early mornings, late evenings, but the people make it all worth while. I am reminded Sunday after Sunday why I have come to North Davis: such wonderful, loving and encouraging people. Just today I shared funny mother stories and funny church stories with a family whom I have come to love since we have spent so much time working at the church, often late at night together. Those are such rewarding times and they make ministry extremely enjoyable.

Now...For today's worship thought.
This morning somewhat of a joke was made out of somewhat of a "serious subject." You know, those pesky handraisers which we often seem to categorize into the "closet Pentecostal" category. As I have journeyed on my pilgrimage of faith thus far I have come to consensus with something biblically profound, and that is this: WORSHIP IS A VERB...not to plagiarize from Robert Webber's book. For so long we have used worship as a noun for the time and place where we offer praise, prayer, and hear the Word of God. As I grow and Mature in Christ, however, I tend to lean toward a definition of worship as an action taken on our behalf in response to the redeeming action of Christ. Worship is ABSOLUTELY a verb. As has been said, worship, the act of ascribing worth to something or someone, is the primary act of Christ's church. And it is an act that can not be done in passivity. We must no longer become an audience. We must truly, with our hands lifted high, worship the Lamb of Glory and King of Kings. May the Body of Christ become an active group of worshippers who can come before the throne just as they are, hands outstretched in praise, worshipping God without fear of those persons sitting around us looking upon us and placing us in the category of "those people." May we recover what is at the linguistic origin of the meaning of the word worship: a word of action, ascribing praise, honor and GLory to Christ!!

Read the words of Psalm 96, a psalm with which we called each other to worship this morning at North Davis...
May God BLess You this week...

Ascribe to the LORD , O families of nations,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
bring an offering and come into his courts.
Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness;
tremble before him, all the earth.


Worship Thought for Today, May 13th

In the opening words of his book "Israel's Praise," Walter Brueggemann pens these words:
"Praise is the duty and delight, the ultimate vocation of the human community; indeed, of all creation...Praise articulates and embodies our capacity to yield, submit, and abandon ourselves in trust and gratitude to the One whose we are...Praise is a human need, and in it we find our deepest joy."
We humans are created as beings who have this deep hunger to worship something. In view of the incredible love God has shown us, we worship him, that is our response, bowing our knees to him in praise. As I begin my journey into full-time worship ministry, I continue to search for and find ideas, truths, and develop a theology of worship. Viewing my ministry in the light of the fact that worship is the utmost human need really puts a new spin on things!!! May we treat the praise God is due as that very thing, "the ultimate vocation of the human community."


Worship Details for Sunday May 16th

In case youre feeling overzealous, here is the order for Sunday! We have got a couple of new songs to learn tonight, so make every effort to be there, rm 220, 7pm!! Be a Blessing

CHORAL READING: Psalm 96:1-9

Hallelujah Praise Jehovah 3
I Stand Amazed 147
Lord Most High SCREEN
Crown Him With Many Crowns 193
We Will Worship the Lamb of Glory SCREEN


I Sing Praises 97


During the Sharing of the Bread
I Worship You, Almighty God 64

During the Sharing of the Cup
The Great Physician 291

During the Sharing of our Blessings
I Will Sing of My Redeemer 513


Our God He Is Alive 23

MESSAGE – “The Homecourt Disadvantage!”
Doug Peters

In My Life, Be Glorified 309

PASTORAL PRAYER – Elder I. Rotation


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Arlington, Texas, United States