
Just another "Manic Monday"

Mondays are often pretty hectic around the NDCOC office. Review of Sunday, staff meeting, worship leadership team meeting, all that good stuff...and all of that to say that it officially feels like I am not a college student anymore. I have felt as if I were on vacation for the last week, but now, and as I got up early this morning, my inner being said to my brain as I woke up this morning, "Welcome to the 'real world!'" Still, I would not give it up for anything. God Has Blessed me beyond anything my brain could ever get its arms around by putting me where I am at this very moment in time. Hopefully you can reflect upon God's purposeful actions in your lives as well. Have a great week!

1 comment:

Val said...

Consider yourself fourtunate. I am usually running so far behind that my Mondays don't hit me until at least Tuesday afternoon.

About Me

Arlington, Texas, United States