
Sunday, Sunday...

Sundays can be long, tiresome, even exhausting to say the least. Early mornings, late evenings, but the people make it all worth while. I am reminded Sunday after Sunday why I have come to North Davis: such wonderful, loving and encouraging people. Just today I shared funny mother stories and funny church stories with a family whom I have come to love since we have spent so much time working at the church, often late at night together. Those are such rewarding times and they make ministry extremely enjoyable.

Now...For today's worship thought.
This morning somewhat of a joke was made out of somewhat of a "serious subject." You know, those pesky handraisers which we often seem to categorize into the "closet Pentecostal" category. As I have journeyed on my pilgrimage of faith thus far I have come to consensus with something biblically profound, and that is this: WORSHIP IS A VERB...not to plagiarize from Robert Webber's book. For so long we have used worship as a noun for the time and place where we offer praise, prayer, and hear the Word of God. As I grow and Mature in Christ, however, I tend to lean toward a definition of worship as an action taken on our behalf in response to the redeeming action of Christ. Worship is ABSOLUTELY a verb. As has been said, worship, the act of ascribing worth to something or someone, is the primary act of Christ's church. And it is an act that can not be done in passivity. We must no longer become an audience. We must truly, with our hands lifted high, worship the Lamb of Glory and King of Kings. May the Body of Christ become an active group of worshippers who can come before the throne just as they are, hands outstretched in praise, worshipping God without fear of those persons sitting around us looking upon us and placing us in the category of "those people." May we recover what is at the linguistic origin of the meaning of the word worship: a word of action, ascribing praise, honor and GLory to Christ!!

Read the words of Psalm 96, a psalm with which we called each other to worship this morning at North Davis...
May God BLess You this week...

Ascribe to the LORD , O families of nations,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
bring an offering and come into his courts.
Worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness;
tremble before him, all the earth.

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About Me

Arlington, Texas, United States