
God is Good!!

It has been beautiful weather-wise the last few days here in Arlington! I was lucky to be outside playing in a Golf tournament on Monday and got to soak some of it in! Just absolutely in awe of God's creation!
From Psalm 8...
"O LORD , our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory
above the heavens.
From the lips of children and infants
you have ordained praise
because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.
When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?..."

God's creation is amazing!

I've been meaning to post this for some time now, but have been too busy to think about it. The ZOE group, the best acappella worship group on the face of the earth today, is recording one of my arrangements on their upcoming CD, due out late September/early October. The song is "In Christ Alone." I am pumped and can't wait to hear what they do with it! You should check out their website at http://zoegroup.faithsite.com

More later...Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-channel!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Attaway to go! I too am proud for you! It oughta be something special!

About Me

Arlington, Texas, United States