
Tomorrow is here!

Tomorrow is a day I have awaited for a long time. I am traveling, along with one of my colleagues at North Davis, over to First Baptist Euless to hear a man considered to be one of the top worship theologians and scholars in North America, a man I admire very much and respect greatly, Robert Webber. In light of this, I was familiarizing myself with some of his writings again and came across this quote of his. Chew on this thesis, and read Revelation, then, see what you think.

"The emphasis of biblical and ancient God-directed worship is ultimately about the victory of God over all the powers of evil. In worship we remember God's saving acts in history, and we anticipate the consummation of God's rescue at the end of history. "


Meeting People Where They Are...

I dread what I have to do over the next 10 days. Read three books, write 3 papers, GRAD SCHOOL HAS OFFICIALLY TAKEN OVER!!!

However, in reading one of these books, I came across a great quote from Eddie Gibbs. He puts eloquently into words a thought that many have said, but not so well...What do you think?

"Churches cannot stand apart from society and invite people to come to them on their terms. Rather, churches must go to people where they are and communicate in terms that will make sense to them, addressing the issues that shape their lives and speaking their language."

[--Eddie Gibbs, ChurchNext (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000) 39.]

What does that mean for the way we inculcate people into our churches? What does that mean for us and the way we prepare and construct worship? What kind of impressions do we want to make on this broken society?


Who would have thunk it...

I knew that I wouldnt be able to keep up with this blog on a daily basis as I set out to do...But the goal was noble, right?

Here are a few new definitions, thoughts on the dominant topic seen on this sight: WORSHIP. These, like another post of recent weeks, are based on Donald Miller's book Blue Like Jazz.
"Many of our attempts to understand the Christian faith have only cheapened it. I can no more understand the totality of God than the pancake I made for breakfast understands the totality of me. The little we do understand, that grain of sand our minds are capable of grasping, those ideas such as God is good, God feels, God loves, God knows all, are enough to keep our hearts dwelling on His majesty and holy otherness forever..."

About Me

Arlington, Texas, United States