
Back to normal life...If my life is "normal"...

The last few weeks have been intense, but fulfilling, educational, and inspiring. My first class, Advnaced Choral Techniques: Becoming the Choral Poet, was absolutely awesome...It was such a confirmation that UNT was where I needed to be for schooling right now. And not only that, but getting to work with not just one, but two of the most well-respected Choral Conductors and masters of their craft in the world, Simon Carrington and Jerry McCoy (Click the link above to go to Simon's Website). We were exposed to some 22 pieces of choral literature and we were responsible for being able to conduct all of them...I was fortunate enough to conduct on the concert that was the conclusion of the class/workshop...Overall rating, A++...Looking forward to the next one.
Now, if I can get through performing my first wedding this weekend, all will be even more normal...LIke the songwriter said..."Come Monday, it'll be alright!"


1 comment:

RPorche said...

Congrats on the class. I have no doubt that you're kicking some tail. I hope I get to watch you conduct a huge chorus one day real soon!

About Me

Arlington, Texas, United States