
He's Back!!!


To acheive to do one's best...
To set lofty goals and pursuit of one's best...

What is excellence to you? Do you seek after excellence in all you do? Job? Family? Relationships? Fill in the blank...

I have been thinking about a lot of things these last few months since I last posted...Yeah, I know, go ahead and say it...Yes, my brain DOES have the capacity to think.

My training is in two areas. One--classical voice and choral music, and two--worship and music ministry. Two areas that have been separated historically by a chasm that has been for the most part un-travelled. Why is that? They each have similar ideals, but why do they remain so polarized?

This is a question I have, and am struggling with. How can I, a classical musician in constant pursuit of excellence, help bleed over into church music and worship a desire for excellence?

If God requires no less than our absolute best, and I am not saying that people aren't offering their best to God, than why do we far too often settle for mediocrity? Mediocrity in Christian living? Mediocrity in Chrsitian relationships? Mediocrity in worship? Mediocrity in our levels of commitment? Mediocrity in bible study?

How can I help my parishoners see the need to set a higher level of excellence for our faith commuunity, specifically in reference to worship?

We need to be about God's business, we need to be about the ever-incresing reign of God in this world. And as we do that, God deserves all of our attention, all of our hearts, souls, minds and strength. May we seek excellence in all areas of our devotion to God as he deserves no less than perfect!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yay for the update! I suggest you do it at least once a week, like me. :)

About Me

Arlington, Texas, United States