

Well, it is official...I am a graduate student. And I have let my first class, which is this coming Thursday through Saturday, sneak up on me. But slowly and surely I am becoming a reader...Something I have always wanted to do, but have never been able to do...Grad school forces you into it! Amidst the 5 books I am reading for this course, one of them is by my favorite worship writer, Robert Webber, entitled The Younger Evangelicals. Here is a quote from his chapter on the ecclesiological mindset of the younger generation, the "younger evangelicals." (see p. 121)

"The best way to be effective is to care little for success. The best way to be a transforming leader is to care more about what's in your own heart than what we accomplish. When we give up this need to be successful or powerful for purposes of inward validation, we are free to be truly effective in fulfilling our callings. I long to see the church led by people who care so little about being successful as the world sees it and care so much about being in touch with God and in community with the people that the reality of God's power is powerfully unleashed!"

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Arlington, Texas, United States