
The Noblest of a Father's Goals

Several years ago, Phillips, Craig and Dean wrote a song for each of their children...This Song, called "Lord I Wanna Be Just Like You," is carved out of the desire of every parent to be a great role model for their children. The older I get, the more I reflect, and the more that I reflect, the more I see Christ in my father, mother, grandmothers and grandfathers...It is the noblest of all goals as a parent to reflect Christ to your children so they will then model Christ in return..."Lord I [the father] wanna be just like You [The Father] so he [my son] can be just like me!"


RPorche said...

Great blog, DJ!

Haile Nkrumah Gault said...


Anonymous said...

It wasn't until I had my little girl four years ago that I began to understand more fully agape love, and the relationship that exists between the Father and His Son, and now us as His children.

It is the greatest thrill!
It is the greatest insight!
It is the most daunting challenge!

Russell (http://russellheil.blogdrive.com)

About Me

Arlington, Texas, United States