
What Kind of Christian Are You?

Yesterday our worship was centered around the thought of "Holiness."

...To be holy is to be completely different.

...To be holy is to be so completely different from the rest of the world that the world cant help but see your difference.

...To be holy is to not be what Brian McLaren calls a "Vampire Christian."

McLaren was our keynote speaker Last week at the ZOE conference in Nashville (there isn't enough room here for me to reflect). And he said this..."The gospel of sin management produces Vampire Christians who want Jesus for His blood and nothing else." Therefore, to be holy, is to live like someone who realizes that it isn't okay to take advantage of that precious blood that Christ shed to purchase you and me! To be holy is to live like you actually embody the life of a redeemed person! As my dear friend and fellow worship minister and fellow blogger Ryan Porche has previously stated (www.ryanporche.blogspot.com), I think the song "For All You've Done," recorded by the ZOE group on their recent release "Desperate," (www.ZOEgroup.org) puts it best.

For All You've Done
(by Clint Lagerberg)

Oh cleanser of the mess I've made
Upon the hill our places trade
Stretched on a cross Your body crushed
By human hands You formed from dust

How wonderful Your mercy is
How awesome are Your ways
I come, I come
To worship You
For all You've done

Are you living like a Holy Person?
Or are you living like a Vampire Christian?

About Me

Arlington, Texas, United States